“What is a pilgrim soul? It is a soul that says ‘not yet’...it is a student, a searcher, a sojourner here below, a wanderer not quite satisfied with anything except the Infinite.”

-Ravi Ravindra


It’s a deep practice found in nearly every culture across time. Something within us calls to more—and this journey is often how we answer that call.

Several years ago, Nathan Schultz answered this call, not entirely knowing why, and walked the Camino de Santiago, the ancient Pilgrim route through Spain. It was a journey that changed his life, leading him to reconnect with himself, community, and to the Voice beyond his own.

Transformation came in the still moments, the walking, and the shared times with others.

Answer the Pilgrim’s Call

In partnership with Trying to See Well, PATHWISE VENTURES will guide two Pilgrimages along the Camino de Santiago in 2025.

We’ll walk for six days along either the inland Portugal route or the French route into Santiago de Compostela. This is more than an adventure—it’s a journey that leads not only to Santiago but also to yourself and to the Spirit beyond you.

Along the way, the Camino will do what it does so well:

  • Helping you reconnect with your inner self.

  • Deepening your connection to nature as we walk together.

  • Opening your ability to listen - whether you call that God, or simply the stillness with.

You will also receive coaching, spiritual direction, and the space to experience both solitude and community along the way.

Who is this trip for?

This Pilgrimage is for anyone who feels called to:

  • Rest and retreat.

  • Wrestle with life’s questions or challenges.

  • Deepen connection with yourself or with Spirit.

  • Gain clarity at a life threshold or decision point.

  • Intentionally experience the Camino, surrounded by a supportive community.

Want to learn more? 

Explore the Trip
Overview and who this journey is for. 

Meet the Facilitators
And learn about their experiences

Get all the Details
Dates, costs, and registration instructions.

  • “Amazing first time Camino de Santiago experience!!! …This was my best solo “YES” ever! I’m a wife, mom of three YA sons and a daughter in the midst of the “sandwich stage” of life. I didn’t realize how much I needed this pilgrimage. Once I had fully settled in, every day on the Camino had a beautiful rhythm. I especially enjoyed rising every morning desiring to prepare my body, soul, and spirit.”


  • “…you created an environment of sacred safety that made my experience all the more meaningful. The daily juggling act you performed that juxtaposed the need for the specific details (bags out by 8) and flexibility (what does each person need) was artful. I felt blissfully well cared for...all the way down to securing 2 bus tickets for greater leg room.”


  • “I approached my Camino with an open mind & no expectations b/c I truly did not know what to expect. My pilgrimage ended up being a very special time for me spiritually. I had been praying about what I might experience leading up to my Camino although I firmly believe my experiences were stoked by the structure, processes and rhythm established by Maddy & Nathan.”
